Sunday 22 August 2010

Goodbye Nietzche blue

So here is the first installment of my non-idealised fit for public consumption blog.

You must accept this.

Firstly admin,

1) At the request of Calamity Awesome, Scumturd is now redesignated as Mr Dudcock.
2) Calamity Awesome and Prince Valiant are now off the board. Operation Desert Snorm phase 1 is complete.
3) Samauri Pizza and Kobyashi Maru are singing from the same hymn sheet (differing volumes as to be expected at this stage).
4) Tardis Girl and Fry's Carpet remain in holding orbit.

Personal information malevolence

I am no longer listed on file and have removed myself from the primary equation. There are a number of assets in the field to pick up and put right. I no longer believe the house is smiling on non-idealised surveillance, so i am letting the dog off the leash.

Nietzche once said that a man without a plan is not really a plan, i have abided by this personal interrogative for so long now i have forgotten what it is like to not constantly plan and manipulate. Other people seem to get by though, maybe its time i started putting my money where my mouth is and try to live as a genuinely good person. Maybe i can actually help people for a change.

Calamity Awesome seems to believe in me in some fashion, for some reason. I have hope but it would appear to me that CA is hope. Imagine a smile that lights the world up.

What is the use if i am no use to anybody?

"I am an empty dream"
Outstanding business 

The nine outstanding remain, or as i like to call them "Plans 9 from inner space" now must be collapsed like Schrodingers equation. Sorry Stenchblossom, i can be your friend when you can be your friend and not a minute before.

Thought for the day

The brief thunder of time seems never ending when we argue, so we always find time to argue. Is every instance of violence an attempt at immortality?

One must want nothing to change, not going forwards, not backwards, not in all eternity. You must learn not only to endure what is but to learn to love it.

Whatever happens next i chose it.

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